Well, I've been working hard on my new army. 12 days if work for each knight? Sounds about right :rolleyes: Hope you like him! [img] [img]...
Go check the Army Blog if you want too: http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/itepixcauh-army-blog.18823/ You have a full army picture on page 4...
Oh I used lizards and wrote reports for them for FOUR years! Check the rest of the subforum for tons of reading time! But as the lizards are now...
They are a very, VERY old Mercenary unit from Warhammer Fantasy called Tichi-Huichi's Raiders, with weapons and shields from the Terradon Kit. The...
GAME 2 - Varangur [2000 points - CONTROL] We jump a month from the previous report, next league game for the Brotherhood, thus time playing...
Brothers in arms, it seems i cannot maintain the schedule of Battle Reports as steady as I would have liked BUT I made my pilgrimage and the Lady...
The foot thing is easily corrected, the teeth though.... I would honestly contact GW about it.
Oh yes, you have to dilute it yourself with Lahmian Medium, same goes for the Kantor blue for the scales. I use the Medium a lot, what I do to...
It's right there, I use for the first one a 3:1 mix of temple guard blue and Lahmian Medium and for the second a 2:1 mix of Coelia Greenshade and...
Red crested Skinks!! Sotek is most pleased! Well done. It was my pleasure.
I do actually, will write a full report on my gaming blog. Sadly I'm too busy right now to do it. I actually win TWO best painted awards, one for...
Thanks for all the kind words! I have great news actually, THEY WON BEST PAINTED AT FRANTICON!!...
That's not really difficult to be fair but thanks!
Took a quick picture of my now full unit of Skink Riders while taking a pic of my whole army. Hope you like them! [img]
I like them like this, so not changing them it's a personal choice. Thanks for the feedback! I took a couple of extra pictures while I had all...
Took a picture of my Skinky Bois while shooting the whole army. Hope you like them! [img]
NEVER!!! Thanks Guys!
5 years of long and hard work all in a single picture, quite full of myself right now. IT'S FINISHED [IMG]
5 years of long and hard work all in a single picture, quite full of myself right now. IT'S FINISHED [img]