:D:D yeah I mask off all the poles to prime, paint and varnish. I am very happy with it, excited and very scared to take it to the event on the...
LIZARDS AND GENTLEMEN! THE ARMY IS FINISHED (for now) This last unit seals the deal, I really hope you like them, pictures for the whole army...
I'm so pleased to write a new entry to the blog after playing Brotherhood for such a long time. Feels good man! I'm taking my Salamanders to the...
It's working now!
Easy one: - Caliban Green - Nuln Oil - Caliban Green - Kabalite Green - Sybarite Green - Gauss Blaster Green - White for the dots on the...
This happened Yesterday [MEDIA]
Thanks! @Sreeves @Bigb and @Killer Angel!
ONE LESS TO GO!! Only 4 skinks left to paint!!! [img] [img]
Finished this bad boy yesterday, hope you like him! [img] [img]
Not a bad idea. Again it all depends on the spare time I can gather which is not much. Good thing is I have a caster that is simply amazing.
I would love to take part, not sure if work will leave me enough time to do but I could try, I would have a requirement though, It would have to...
Great report and sounds like a close great game. Well done despite loosing. I agree on all your points in the end. Testing out how your play...
Yes I also think Ghekkotah are the best basic Troop we have. It would be cool if Firebrand made the Corsairs Warriors instead of Support but, what...
Thanks! If I recall correctly is: Kabalite Green Base Wash with Nuln Oil Edge Highlight with Kabalite Green Edge again with Sybarite Green...
Only these little guys separate me from a fully painted army for the first time ever 18 days to go!! LETS DO THIS!! [img]
Capybara Master!!
Welcome to the team! Just keep doing what you do, great job guys!
Yes it was actually. With this victory on hand I might even get a clean run of victories with the Brotherhood this year, we will see!
YES I AM!! GO BROTHERHOOD! Still the last game of the league is a bit special. It will be a doubles game, with the pairings done like this: First...