TURN 5 ABYSSALS As I predicted the Arch-fiend jumps over the forest to charge the Forsaken Beast with a Token, he previously moved his Warlock to...
Hello Battle Brothers! Let me begin by adding a bit of context into the game we will be delving into very soon. This opponent and I are always...
Of course. It's hard to put it into words but I'm usually very aggressive, I like to force my opponents to make moves when they are not ready for...
FINISHED MY FIRST RIPPER! He will be part of my Skyriders or a second Skylord if I ever need it. [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] Hope you like it!
FINISHED MY FIRST RIPPER! [img] [img] [img] [img] [img]
Sorry for the delay answering! 3000 points is a very different Beast! I was thinking on 2kish lists. For 3k I would definitely add another...
Thanks for sharing! I didn't knew of it.
I still don't like the ABF myself, too expensive and with the amount of CS around this days it dies surprisingly easy and only does 4-5 damage in...
Done! ;)
@Burwinkelito asked me in a PM how I painted the Terradon so I thought it would be better to share the recipe here for everyone to see, I will do...
When I do washes I NEVER use water, NEVER. Water does some weird things to paint if you add too much and water and washes don't mix well together...
FINISHED MY FIRST REGULAR TERRADON WOOOOO me! [img] [img] [img] Hope you like it! Full unit coming soon!
FINISHED MY FIRST REGULAR TERRADON WOOOOO me! [img] [img] [img] Hope you like it!
The banner is a good addition always. It useful in every army, go for it.
Haste is way better than Pathfinder on the Tyrants. WAY better. Just keep us informed on your games !
Trust me here, Lekelidons are one of the best units in the game. There are not much better ways to spend 95 points, I never play with less than 2....
do you guys use enough terrain? youy NEED around 8-10 pieces on the middle of the table to be a fair balanced game. Also look at the tips I gave...
Hi! Actually yes, I'm used to be slower so I think I can help. Is basically the same as playing against a Flying Circus type of army but a bit...
Join the Salamanders Facebook group! Most people are there these days. That or the King of War Fanatics, but obviously Salamanders is more...
Yes, the trend now is to go double AoR, I get it, they are amazing. It's just not my style, there is also the fact that I REALLY don't want to...