Also for corsairs you could use instead of pistols the javelin throwing looking arms from the Saurus Cavalry and argument that their strength will...
Nice! Both schemes sound amazing guys. Mine as you know are Sotek blessed Skinks, PRAISE SOTEK! So teal bodies with dark blue scales and bright...
You don't need the CoK 18 book, just the CoK 19. Each book completely replaces the previous one.
Love that list, it's very much my own style. Keep us informed !
Corsair Formation is EXCELLENT ad it also gives them +1 nerve, The Ancients one gives them Inspiring and the Clan Lord gets Fearless and Rallying...
You don't have to use Temple Guard as Ancients, in fact those would be more suited for Ceremonial Guard. Ancients are just older Primes so you can...
Welcome! I love the theme of your army and how well you thought it out. List seems good, I enjoy low point games a lot actually, they are really...
TURN 4 Table is getting quite light all of a sudden, I wasn't expecting to loose my Spearmen so soon, that hurt a lot. I counter the wounded...
Hello again! I'm very happy today fellow wargamers because I was able to snatch a game outside my usual schedule. My good friend IƱaki had...
I don't like her model at all so I don't really care. As always all my band will be GW and skink based... PRAISED BE SOTEK!! So Hunters,...
Also check the Review I made that is pinned in the forum too!
SALAMANDER LIST REVIEW OK, lets dive deep into the list, I'm going to start with the units in ascending level of importance (Grunts, Warriors,...
You have the lists updated and available for download HERE
Hello fellow Salamander Enthusiasts!! Finally Mantic has released the full Vanguard profiles for all the races including Salamanders! You can...
Thanks!! Expect more very soon! I'm playing Invade against the League of Rhordia this January.
Yeah it's quite hard for us Europeans to actually understand just how massive Texas is. Well there is always Universal Battles.
Man Texas has a HUGE KoW community and some of the world's biggest tournaments. I know Texas is actually FRIKING HUGE but you shouldn't have any...
Funny you should say that as Deadzone is completely different. Tournaments are usually Mantic only with exceptions. KoW is amazing, hope you can...
Mantic allows players to use any miniatures they want on their kow armies. Including in official tournaments. That's why Mantic is the best...
Salamanders along all the Uncharted Empires armies are not on the Vanguard main book as they are not officially Mantic Armies. That being said...