Yeah, KoM is far from the Empire, it's an army designed to accommodate Historical wargamers more than the Empire. When Uncharted Empires came out...
BROTHERHOOD TURN 4 Last turn went well for me, everything is where I want it so it's time to hit hard. I charge the Initiates into his Knights...
I bid thee welcome! A new Bretonn.... I mean Brotherhood (ups) battle report is uploaded! Rejoice in the magnificence that is gaming with OOP...
Yes, Vanguard moves are outside of the normal turn sequence and thus doesn't count as a move. You just start the game farther ahead so to speak....
It's also a shame you are so far away, I would be tempted to go to a tournament in mid-southern France... It's such an amazing experience to...
That would be interesting, let us know how it went, both the testing and the Tournament.
Yeah, he's quite a good character Hunter but I just cannot overcome the fact that for the same amount of points he costs with the banner you can...
Well, lets get into it: - Ancient Formation: Great, not needing Inspiring characters is AMAZING for us, frees up so many points. Only thing I...
Yeah, he deployed badly for a start with three regiments or Ironguard and the two Organ Guns far from the centre, his shooting objectives were...
Freehand was done in two painting sessions, so about 3-4 hours. The whole cloth was done in one, extremely fast as it's all washes over Ulthuan...
DWARVES TURN 4 He could have chosen to flank my Martyrs but the fear of not routing them and exposing the rear of his Ironguard to my Beast was...
HELLO GUYS!!! I'M BACK!! It's a new whole season of KoW goodness and for this year I'm retiring my very successful Salamanders while they are on...
Well, needed a break from painting Skinks for my Horde and decided to tackle something that has been on my bucket lists for 20 years. THE AMAZING...
Yeah I realised of that while editing but it was obviously too late. My mistake was not so much the camera but the Base I used to support the...