I have hear stories of People using Windex as a thinning medium in an airbrush... (I think it's because it dries quickly) ps. I assume you guys...
...I have an airbrush I picked up, It's quite used... and haven't really tried it with paint yet for fear of getting it clogged with my crappy...
http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/ye-olde-interactive-saurus-painter.4555/ Might be worth a few ideas. also check out the gallery of the old...
Too late ... It's on again. :P
I use a very dark coffee brown and copper for my weapons, In some I paint he spiky bits white to make them horns or teeth. [SPOILER]
Man all that intricate Engraving and scale work is top notch. :D
I recommend this site for all beginners. http://www.how-to-paint-miniatures.com/
You might find this interesting, if you are looking for a patched version of 8th edition. http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/whfb-8-5.17593/...
You have attained the rank of Mega Meme Master. :nailbiting:
^ to be fair those rides suck. :/
That Old blood came out great. :D
lol, yep more gloss on the gross bits... :hurting:
As far as I know, No Slann or Saurus has ever died of old age. Despite some being thousands of years old. Skinks on the other hand have a life...
That 's pretty similar to what I have, Warden.
First of all: Welcome to Lustria. :D Second: Congratulations on Choosing 8th edition. :pompus: You shouldn't have much issue with Saurus...
It's mixed in with 8th edition over here. http://www.lustria-online.com/forums/lizardmen-discussion/ Notice the 9th age tags. :oldman: if you...
Welcome to Australustria. :jimlad: I think you'll fit right in....