For us yea, as we seem to suffer from long range shooting, so any cover we can get while marching up to the enemy is good. Preferably something...
They are on 40mm bases.
[IMG] [IMG] Ehh.. it probably taste better than this cardboard mascot. :meh:
Although I think we may have scared him off... :bucktooth:
If you are using Photoshop, Try the export to Web option to downscale pictures. I find it quite helpful. :artist:
Might be fun to paint your skinks with a pattern of spots or stripes for a more natural look. (like your avatar ;) )
Now that's what I'm talking about. :woot:
From the sound of it played in a wide open table with sparse to no terrain as well ? (I find my Lizardmen do better with more cover) The fight...
"I think they had a cool setup for him in episode V" The Holiday Special. [SPOILER]
Plastic plants are rather durable, and you can buy them in craft stores, department stores, floral stores, etc...
Other options include... [IMG] The Sebeki from Wargods of Aegyptus.
Nicely Done Sir. :pompus:
I was thinking about bulk items, like terrain and books you might not be using at the moment.
Under table shelving is also an option. ;) [IMG]
Space Amazon of some sort.