There are also tips on making your own flock.
Make sure you check out his whole blog Warden. ;)
... He might be in contact with a skink.... but yea mostly this applies to the front. I think this was the "Great reach" rule in the kroxigor...
It's been a while since I've played. I remember musicians helping reform I some sort of situation... maybe it was out of combat.
4th model. Kroxigor Count as taking the place of 4 skinks, so in the front they would occupy the 2nd and 3rd row normally, Keep in mind you...
[IMG] Either method of sharing pictures is ok, I find uploading images I created directly to the site easier, while I usualy just end up using...
[SPOILER]Send in the skinks first as cannon fodder for the night goblins fanatics. :troll: and try and keep your carnasaur away from the doom...
http://spawningofbob.blogspot.com.au/2014/04/spawning-of-bob-casket-of-cold-ones.html o_O
I have Found that the Wallmart Fabric Department tends to carry large rolls of felt. ;) for quite cheep.
You could always line it with a nice classy piece of green felt. :pompus:
Yep, with the color scheme on the box. :oldman: they where on of the first couple of Lizardmen units I put together. I think Short Bow skinks...
[SPOILER] Ps. Here a pic of mine if you are curious....
... The old 5th edition cold ones where a royal pain to assemble, after I greatly filed down the halves of the body so they would fit together. I...
Perhaps a slight ghostly ethereal glow around the Slann and the teradons as well ? ps. amazing work so far. :D
http://www.terragenesis.com/mybb/showthread.php?tid=353 :eek: (19+ PAGES OF PROJECTS LIKE THIS) Thought I'd share this ongoing Masterpiece from...
I get the feeling that they mostly did this when converting base sizes. [IMG]
The Patrol leader is probably not needed, if you want it under 2000.