[ATTACH] Older style Spawning of Bob Chameleon, and he seems somewhat excited... :wacky: (let me know if you want any minor changes)
it struggles to open...
The real question is how many files are the in "My Pictures" folder.... :artist:
Buenos Dias and Welcome to fantasy island... er, I mean Lustria. :oldman:
I'll see what I can do.
go check out creative-beast.com
... How much you want to spend ??? :meh: there are some nice resin models out ther.
From the creators of BacOn.
... So like what 2-4 models ?
I'd run them 6 wide and 4 deep with a scar-vet or old blood in the front rank and full command. that way if you loose to many you can reform to 5...
Against chaos warriors, yea... but these are low WS low armor Goblins, So I would prefer more attacks over the 1 in 6 shot parry save. o_O rule...
Read all the story post from @spawning of Bob. :hilarious: (also all the cartoons)
These are your better units against goblins. The salamanders in particular will be devastating. you may need the chameleons for taking out doom...
There is also this version from 5th edition. [IMG]
@Ritual Don't forget you can use brush on gloss to increase the sliminess. :wtf: :artist: Ps. good job man. :D
:oldman: I think it was from like 2nd edition (C series). we where just known as Slann then. as the Lizardmen/troglodons where a separate group....
This might help: http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/ye-olde-interactive-saurus-painter.4555/ also lot of ideas here. Ps. you paint scheme idea...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Hmm... I may need to do some more work on the blue and purple ones. :artist:
Due to their fanatical devotion the Slann and the Old ones, I would this it quite unlikely, I see Lizardmen either fleeing to fight another day or...