It would depend on how you treat your friend's army when you play. Some doubles have one army as the "main army" and the other army is considered...
I dont have the book on me atm but in the GHB (I believe) it specifices something along the lines of "A player cant take the same endless spell...
I kinda miss the advanced chess. These days it feels like you are trading huge parts of your army every turn. Very few of my games are getting to...
If you look at Lumineth you have the "normal Elves" and also the "not-so-normal-Elves" within the same faction. I wouldnt be surprised if they run...
Tbh it could be a quite cool concept. The fluff behind the army being that they have been sent out to honour themselves among their kin for...
I know what you mean - I gave in (largely due to group pressure from my mates, but also because it was late and we had a drink or two) this friday...
Yeah I totally get it is a faction based on the old Slayers, but having an entire army of mass manbabies running around in just diapers really...
That artwork is absolutely baller and it reminds me somewhat of the Hobbit when you get to see the inside of the mountain. I apologize to anyone...
I dont think you have done the math on the amount of attacks it takes to bracket the Bastiladon with rerolling 1’s to save from a CP or Mystic...
There is no difference - You roll a dice for each model in the unit the Purple Sun has passed over. For each 6s = A model is slain. For models...
I might be wrong, but I personally dont see Kroak being that incredible in lower point games. What exactly is he gonna do in turn 1? You only have...
Its not the same amount of wounds, but considering their speed and how they can very easily clear screens to pile further towards your important...
If your heavy magic list is struggling with Gargants, how are you dealing with Stonehorns that are significantly faster and got a 5+ ward save...
Is it because you want this kind of customization when building your list? I honestly dont feel the need for that at all. Lets say when I field 40...
But isnt this somewhat represented by the fact that the clanrat dies where as it is only a scratch to the magmadroth considering he lost like 1/15...
I prefer the simpler system we have now. I played Fantasy like 15 years ago and I remember it being ass having to ask your opponent what his...
Meh I honestly dont really see SoB having any effect at all. It isnt exactly a unique concept of having few but strong models and they have no new...
GW actually fucked up pretty hard on this one. The Mega-Gargants are hot garbage as allies because the most of their power comes from alligiance...
None of the guys in my club are interested in SoB at all after the previews have revealed everything, which is unusual since there is usually...
3 is max. [ATTACH]