Once you start to understand the charge/move rules it actually opens up a lot of options/choices and much tactical play. Many newish people would...
Keep in mind you can only cast 1 Comet's Call a turn, no matter how many warscrolls have the spell. If you are planning to run a Trog, I would...
https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/09/24/legendary-battalions-update/ This is a pretty cool change imo. The White Dwarf batallions were at...
I forgot about that special attack which could take out a hero.. Good point! Most people around here play with 2 Crawlers. It just feels like...
Treelord + Branchwraith to give some summoning in Coalesced - Doesnt sound that appealing to me personally, but some people run it....
I dont have tons of experience with OBR (think I have had like 5 games vs them) but I would probably have killed the Boneshaper asap with magic +...
First off our book is very divided into either Skinks or Saurus, this is because of keywords on buffs (some only buff Skinks and some only buff...
It was my origial idea as soon as the tome dropped of focusing largely on magic and having a bunch of Endless Spells to constrict the movement of...
What did you focus spells/shooting on in the first couple of turns? And yeah Hand of Glory is great! Also saves you a CP. Its especially good on...
Im personally not a huge fan of the EotG - I can see the healing on paper being reasonable to keep the Bastiladons healthy and summoning 10...
Im a big fan of the second list, although not entire sold on the Bound Burning Head. I think it kind of restricts the movement of your...
You can quickly get into situations where Horde units get multiple buffs and this means models on 25mm bases potentially attacking in 3 ranks....
I get what you are trying to achieve in theory, the issue is that it wont make the game smoother in a number of situations, quite the opposite....
This would be a massive change for us. Right now you can buff stuff in the hero phase and either run them elsewhere or teleport them across the...
If people are finding the tripple Celestial Deliverance to be too strong you can just take Kroak "naked" i.e no Astrolith and Balewind.
I just fear I wont have enough CPs to fuel buffs on my units, especially if I get a single round with terrible rolls from Kroak and the...
Looking for feedback and what to spend the remaining 70 points on. Im considering: 10 Skinks, 1 CP or 1 additional Skink Priest. I like the idea...
The interesting thing here is that the ability specifically says the attack scores "2 hits instead of 1", not that you get an additional attack. I...
Looking at (some are quite small though) recent events around the globe, almost anything is "viable". You can pretty much make any list work as...
My only question would be how you plan to secure objectives? One thing is to punch through and take it, but how do you maintain control?...