Poor Slaanesh. Yet another bat to their face since they typically run minimum battleline units to max heroes. FEC is in a similar boat. It will...
@Egres Is correct. You fight with all of your weapon attacks in 1 unit, then the opponent removes models.
Chameleon Skinks seem alright to me, but Im still not keen on Terradons. My issue is that I really lack reach to pick off key targets against...
It might be a mistake, but it could also be an interesting way to nerf summoning mechanics. It would only affect a few select battleplans with...
Exactly. No warscroll has the “battlefield role” in their keywords like Leader, Battleline etc. They specifically changed battleplans to mention...
Im really curious about this response. [ATTACH] Unless Im misunderstanding the answer, does this mean that units summoned wont have their...
We also had our allies fixed! [ATTACH]
Annnnd the points for the Dread Saurian has been FAQ'd. [ATTACH]
I think ultimately we can think up a thousand theoretical situations where one is more beneficial than the other, so as mentioned I think it...
While looking at things from a mathematical point of view sometimes make sense, saying "70% more damage!" is a bit misleading in this case IMO...
You charging is irrelevant if a unit fights first due to buff/ability or has amazing saves in melee and wont be wiped out. I would probably argue...
So after some more games against what I would consider some rough matchups for us, I actually concur with your original statement. Not nessecarily...
I just feel like a lot of armies/units are gonna chop you to pieces in melee or have amazing armor and/or ward save so your melee damage wont...
I like to keep a Priest or two just in case you play on Places of Arcane Power as well. Otherwise agreed - I only find myself summoning screens of...
One of the reasons why I dont own any death armies but on the other hand it is what makes death unique.
This rough ratio really only applies to battleline units. I dont think you will find any monster where this is correct. Take a look at Stonehorn,...
Well if you charge its also (usually) your turn, so you usually get to fight first ;)
Do you plan to buff them/keep a hero around them or use them to deepstrike/attack from another angle?
Im having the same experience as you, but that is likely because we almost play the same list - I have switched the Trog for Knight-Incantor +...
Usually I only bring Balewind for Kroak and Bound Geminids which whatever other caster can attempt in turn 1, else Kroak casts it in turn 2....