So small update. I scrapped my BoK army and traded it for some Sylvaneth. My hobbying is sort of all over the place right now. I am in the middle...
Rereading the Stegadon scroll I'm guessing not because it doesn't have the hero keyword. Am I right?
With the new guaranteed double tp you can so some interesting things with a Stegadon. Does that include casting slann spells from him?
Hi Lustria, I am a little let down by the new changes because in the end I still think our best list is Thunderquake and overall it took some...
As an all Skink Thunderquake player am I about to get fucked? I feel like my entire army is about to be nerfed. Feels terrible. I feel like when...
YOu think it's good new or bad news for Gutbusters? They could be being phased out right?
Sorry I'm a little late to the Saurus talk but my biggest hope is that they go Fyreslayer route and give both Saurus and Guard 2 wounds. I think...
Also I wonder if we can expect any point changes. Razordons to 60 points?
Is the GHB2019 release date confirmed?
I boxed them up pulled out some Lizards. I already feel better about things. When I think about how much time I wasted on that unit it is...
For the first time in my painting career I have hit a nasty wall. The wall is the shape of 10 blood warriors. I hate this unit. I hate the model...
Hi Lustria, I'm getting back to the Tabletop and I haven't played against some of the newer armies. I've been struggling to come up with more...
I'd like to see an Ogre book with all the factions. That would be awesome.
So do people think Destruction will get some love and the new book will bee Ironjaws/Orruks? Maybe they combine the book!?
I'm not sure what you guys are talking about at this point but I think we all agree, we just want all the units to be good so we can use all our...
I'm such a slow painter, but the squad is getting there, still a lot to do. The skin was a failure but I learned a lot and can always apply some...
It's just a guess, i'm not saying they will. IMO they are trying to remove things like the Bloat Toad moving d6 inches and models that arent...
I think GW has been trying to consolidate outdated and convoluted rules like the Ripper rules. There have been a lot of examples of this lately,...
Lol you can tell we need a new book because i didnt even realize that many modesl were resin only. My army is basically 3 units, Skinks, Razors...
What models are still only Resin?