It's not too much to ask for to make Saurus Guard OP right? I think we can all agree they deserve their time in the sun :)
I'm thinking Seraphon will get some sort Clans/Stormhost/Allegiances for Skinks and Saurus. That's the direction GW is taking with new books and I...
I feel like we should all have high hopes for Saurus, especially guard. Totally different armies, but look what they did to the Fireslayer units....
Hi Lustira, I'm coming to you all looking for some creative inspiration. First off, does anyone with a Prismatic Palisade mind sharing it's...
For sure! It looks great.
Just a warning, 8 wounds for 340 is not very tanky at all. That's his biggest drawback, so you need to pick your spots. That's why it kind of...
Nice work again! I think you do one thing that I struggle with and that is using very dark tones to keeep the contrast. I can blend and layer and...
IMO it's more enjoyable than playing against unkillable giant models that summon or bring things back to life. (FEC). This is a good discussion...
Yeah I think you are right that most players enjoy combat vs combat style of games, but the thing about Seraphon is all of our stuff dies. Your...
Oh and Prime is another rare deepstriker who can charge the turn it comes in. It also does some chip mortal wounds.
So the main reason those units have synergy is because Seraphon right now, are not the best at killing your opponents army off the table or...
Well since this a Kroak vs Slann page what do you guys think is the better list. I like both. I think the Kroak list would be fun to test out to...
Wait I just read our summoning rules, only our general can generate summoning points... I forgot about this... so sad. That's the rule right?
Would you mind breaking this down a little bit more? For some reason I'm struggling to picture it. Another tip is charging an enemy with a unit...
You're right. they just did that with Khorne summoning, so that's just my guess. Either way, the books probably far off. Time to go test Double...
I was comparing Kroak to the normal slann. Kroak can use all his spells to summon 2x10 man skinks. Slann can only get 9 points on his own. I have...
Yeah I was originally thinking EOTG and Kroak, but I think the Slann is actually more consistent summoning, you get the army wide bonuses, a good...
This is how I would run it. It has a lot going for it. The Kroak and Incantor/Comet play really well together. The first turn if you want to you...
Yeah Kroak has some clear flaws and is over costed, but he does fill a big role that our army struggles with, actually killing things. He is much...