And finally what people care about, I started to finish painting my Seraphon army, using my airbrush to lay down some base colors: I'm quite proud...
And then I started to get better!! I really enjoy using the airbrush and learning new things everytime I turn it on. It's amazing what you can do...
I then just kept painting random models I had laying around to practice. The humans are from Wissenland. They are sort of my long term project and...
This is the first thing I've ever airbrushed [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
I'm back! After a short break from the hobby I have returned. Life has keep me busy, new job, first house and I just celebrated my 1st year...
Do you mind sharing where you got that desk? I love that space for the compressor. I want that lol.
Looking good mate! Don't be afraid to add more contrast on your orange. It's definitely okay to do multiple thin washes in certain areas, like...
Yeah, to be fair the best way to win is usually play the objectives, but I totally get wanting to kill things. Also so many things are hard to...
I wonder if 4 more Razordons would be better than the Evocators. Still anti horde, and if you have a turn where your skinks are in good positions...
Did they Stegadon help with battleshock or was it to support the Basti?
The Skink way :) Not the flashiest, but still effecitve.
Anyone know any details about his list? Curious to how he used the Stegadon. Was it for th extra movement on his Bastialdon that had a flamerthrower?
Ty for update :) Sounds like you played well. Did you like the idea of comet and rippers together or will good opponents just outplay them?
Any update? :)
Bloat Toads for everyone! Merry Christmas! :)
That's why i said in my first post to have a unit of 6 in shadow and then a unit of 3 in the field :)
I love both lists. I definitely think both can work I was just playing devils advocate. I tend to be a slightly more defensive objectives player...
Both are good. If you have both near an Astrolith Bearer, and do the dice math, they roughly do the same dmg. The Salamanders have a high chance...
Thanks for the update ! It is interesting that you didn't focus on summoning with the EoTG. I feel like Seraphon and your list is all about...
I love that idea. I think 8-12 Razordons is the place to be. I've never liked Chameleon skinks that much but I totally see their merit. I wonder...