Also in terms of blending the two tones together you can either mix up some midtones of the two colors, by slowly mixing them together and...
Okay so here is what I call overbrushing. Overbrushing is similar to drybrushing but they are not the same. When you use overbrushing you still...
I just typed out a long response but it didn't make any sense lol. I will get back to you later tonight after work :)
Nice work!! My biggest piece of advice would be to use a darker base color on the skin and then do a layer of over brushing and then go into...
Damn that's a nice booty
Yeah I wouldn't put yourself in a disadvantage by taxing yourself that hard for the Knights. Don't forget about Heavenswatch Starhost, although...
my biggest thing about jaws is that it comes right back at you. I know you are most likely 18 inches away from the enemy but it still bothers me a...
Don't forget the power of Kroak and Shadowstrike. The best way to make your Kroak/Slann/Endless spells crush your opponent is to kill their mages....
IMO the knights and firelance are not worth the points in this type of a list. To me, if you want to run Firelance, you should really have an...
Nice work mate! To me this is a perfect example of how having a solid paint scheme and uniformity really brings an army to life!
Yeah I think Sarus armies will always run battalions. They are really nice and you need to stack all the buffs you can.
Battalions are still really good. I do think that we need them less than before though. With the ability to use command points, the buffs to EoTG...
I really like your color choices!! Looks really cool.
All personal preference! Cork and bark do make better pieces for dry brushing. No round edges! :)
I do honestly think you can win a lot of mission based games by flooding the board with Skinks. It would be super annoying for your opponent too haha.
A guess a sort of more "balanced" version of mine would look like this. LEADERS Lord Kroak (450) Slann Starmaster (260) Engine of the Gods (220)...
Definitely a way to go. I don't like EoTG's as much without the extra rerolls from Starmaster and or Curse of Fates. That being said you could...
Also don't forget about the versatility of the EoTG's. Some rounds you could always blast something for 2d6 mortal wounds. It's not like their...
Definitely agree with you on Endless, but they do seem easily dispelled so you will have to play/plan around that. The cogs you can probably hide...
Good work mate! Really nice bases. Do you use actual rocks for your rocks? It's a silly question but I was curious. I have found that bark or cork...