So we confirmed the new points at 420? I think a lot of the big baddies went up in price this edition right?
The rend decrease does suck, but look at how they normalized all of the dmg. Before it was all D6's and your big beastie, even buffed up, could do...
I'd have to practice before the game saying, "Yes sir, that's correct, one bite did 12 dmg." haha
Umm so with Serpent staff the bite has the potential to do 12, 10 or 8 damage. Low rend but still. YIKES.
Are there any changes to it's abilities or attacks? I am not a Dread Saurian Carnoissuer. (Get it? I combined Carnosaur and Connoissuer) :)
I love the spear verison too. Looks awesome! Great stuff! Any thoughts to adding some more depth to the piece of wood on the base and maybe some...
Thanks! I had a long session of highs and lows but learned a lot. I figured I'd share a little bit more of painting experience for anyone that is...
Below is a terrible picture of my first set of Salamanders. I have my crap phone right now and it turns all the colors weird versions of...
I think they are 3D drawings, but I could be wrong.
This may be a stupid question but I want to ask, can we confrim that these pictures are the actual models and not like 3D representation of what...
Hmm. I will have to see how restrictive it is. Like I don't want to pay 150 dollars to get the 3 things I want and then 6 other things I only sort...
That is a Skink's dream!!!!!!!! Can you point me in the direction of the Chameleon skink info/link? Also, I am also interested in how...
Yeah I think I will hop on the Razordon train for sure.
Yeah. Rereading it that's all i see. I will take that for a 60 point discount. Plus most lists will have a AB in it now for reroll of hits. Pretty...
Are the new Thunderquake rules a nerf? I can't really decide.
Do you know if they are releasing Chameleon skink models? I saw previews for some amazing Cham Skinks models and I think it was Lost Kingdom. I...
IMO they went a little overboard/heavy on the headdresses. Although I love the Knight's headdress. Looks awesome.
I really don't like th Sally either. The tail and preposed model don' do it for me. I really like the Razordon and the Turtles. I like the idea of...
@Crowsfoot any good place to find colored Automotive primers? I can only find black and white at my local Walmart.
Nice stuff. Can you teach me how to take picutres like you haha. I feel like I may have already asked you about that, can't remember.