You sir are a busy man :D It’s good to see that you continue on no matter how many hordes of skellies stand in your way. Liking the forge guys,...
Crisp and clean, just like on the box they came in :) good job
Ha I like them a lot, nice
Haha oops ;D Good good, looking forward to them. Started my Arachnorok and Troggboss, hoping to crack on tomorrow
Any news on the shrooms @Crowsfoot ?
Welcome, best ditch the storm cast and get on with the lizards ;P
Hello and welcome, post and people will see :)
All expertly done, the third is my favourite, looks grubby and war torn. Only thing that they need are based. :)
Thank you @Killer Angel @LizardWizard and @Aginor I presumed as much (and certainly hoped so) as my army is designed around it, just good to...
Sounds good, hopefully they come soon! I presume you’ve tried to contact them?
Cheers - hopefully they wake and come to my aid. What mushrooms are you waiting on?
The lizards feature alongside storm casts in one of the short stories I’ve just read (can’t for the life of me remember the book title) something...
I do really like bleached looking lizard men ! Good stuff
Very good, loving the shades and details. How many skink have/are you doing ? I think someone will get cramp in their hand :)
Guess this guys next :) [ATTACH]
Corrosion added - I’ll let it dry overnight and highlight with some rust effects. Cheers :)
Oki doki, I’ll see what I can do
Yeah I had planned to, what do you think would suit best; -Classic orange -Blue - copper rust -Browned metal
Ha, liking Razor-Don
Cheers :) Not sure about the chains - thinking I should have gone for ‘ghostie’ but wouldn’t look right in this army