Thinking I may have a smidgin of time to skin some of mine today - we shall compare notes lol, looking good thus far sir!
Sounds good to me, still undecided on my troggboss - probably stick with the rockgut colours of blue/grey, also fancy my hand at creating a...
On the plus side he could hold all board objectives at once lol
Jesus... that’s just stupid, how could you possibly play that?
It dries (sets) naturally over time (as long as it has access to oxygen) think of it as clay - you mould it whilst it’s soft and damp - once it’s...
Oooo shiny new stuff! A whole bunch of gloomspite and some fruit, nice mix ;D
Best get painting! [ATTACH]
Lol do like a win win ;D
Nice, can’t wait to see them! Made a second 2k point list (trogg army) Putting together the Troggboss as we speak, adding a few of my custom...
Ooook, so I had a closer look at some of the new troggs - ok they are awesome looking, I think I’m hooked (may have also bought a few) When are...
Great work matey! I’ve had one kicking around for years - never plucked up the nerve to put it together let alone paint it ! ‘Impressed’
Haha that sir is a very nice bonus find! Chuck a few nice easy green stuff mushrooms on them and bam got yourself some gloomspite shamans ;D I’m...
Itchy nuisance + trolls and manglers will be devastating! many viable attack (with reeeally good to hit/wound/rend) going to make a mess of...
Very nice, I’ve bashed together a few lists myself, super drawn to these guys, their models are excellent and who doesn’t want trolls. On the...
God damn GW releasing so much good stuff, been driven from the lizards to make furry beasts, then from them to squig lovers - now back to scales....
Same - I rarely play these days, for me it’s about building solid army lists (that could preform well) convert as many as possible to my preferred...
@Killer Angel - indeed, I can write a horde list and be happy with how it looks and roughly how it would act...but in play it would fall apart...
Meh not a big fan of hordes (gobbos have a few big downfalls too) I prefer big nasty monsters and cunning tricks :)
Think I’ve come up with a fairly stable list. What are you guys thinking army wise? @Crowsfoot @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl
God damn it, I was trying to fool myself into thinking it would cost too much to create an army from scatch...oh well by next pay check ;D