Ha I really like the archer !
Yeah a dread in smaller army lists will do some Serious damage ;D He can pretty much go solo without need of buffs but a decent (cheap addition)...
I like it - ok so huge javelin throwers are being added ;D Anything else people would like to see?
Thank you for your opinions :) (I also prefer to go magic/summoning) but I also love a good monster or twelve lol. Everyone has their own style I...
Haha I did write undead versions of the lizards up first but changed my mind (mostly because you guys where going that route) they differ greatly...
Hmmm a ranged weapon on the sun blessed could be cool - instantly pictured a massive (old school looking) bow being drawn with a spear like arrow...
lol Don’t tell ;D I’ll just hide in amongst all the other (she will never know) mwhaha
Thanks :) wanted to give them an on field terrain thingy - since the other armies seem to be getting them ;D totems just felt right. For the...
You can judge for yourself (once I’ve made them) :) I intend to remodel the basic troops as well (they aren’t written up there as they will mostly...
No tutorials lol - just play :D think I’ve got it now
Lol GG. I still don’t fully understand what I’m doing ;D Mostly trial and error - can’t seem to make The ‘highlight’ bit work right?
I like :) and am always watching lol
@ravagekitteh not too sure on the rules of cross alliance ally stuff, I kind of went along the lines of - they have lost touch with their cousins...
# PGR-TLB-GP Is me, I like it - though don’t need any more addictions in my life :D
Sounds good to me, I wanted them to resemble ‘Lizardmen’ As in first glance that’s what you think - but to have those subtle differences that set...
@Killer Angel and @Aginor i look forward to hearing it :) @ravagekitteh yeah aos was my plan. @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl no problem, I did...
Never seen this app before - just downloaded it, I’ll give it a spin
Haha well that makes more sense ;D thought you’d added the shades etc already (doh)
I accidentally ordered a big batch of seraphon - the missus won’t be happy :D [ATTACH]
Calling @Crowsfoot @Aginor @little-myth @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl @Lord-Marcus @DeathBringer125 @NIGHTBRINGER @Killer Angel (and various others)...