The free-dlc map has finally been updated after months of inactivity [IMG] CA has also confirmed that all 3 of them will come out in...
Warhammer 40k will be getting a tv show that is centered around the Eisenhorn novels. [ATTACH]...
I totally called that the next warband would come from Hysh. The new warband looks quite good in my opinion, a very civilized look to go against...
This Saturday we will see what the last warband for Warcry is. [IMG]
The new warband looks kinda nice in my opinion, they give a bit of a post-apocalyptic vibe. I just don't like the big guy on stilts and the...
so, the Sylvaneth battletome is nearly here, so that means that GW can work on the faction that needs a new battletome the most, the Stormcast of...
In hindsight I might have taken the text a little to literally, so I have gained some more hope that it is a Seraphon Dinosaur :).
As much as I would wish it was a new Seraphon kit, it looks like it will be an Elven dragon of some kind since the following text mentions that it...
Yes it is. The DLC's for the game, especially the newer ones have had massive impacts on the balance between factions. As said in the video, the...
[IMG] Seen the new Sonic trailer?
If you wish to see Kroak in action, then you can watch the twitch stream that CA hosted for their tournament. The battle with Kroak begins at:...
I know it isn't Total War Warhammer, but i feel this does have some importance as well. [ATTACH] Focus Home interactive has shown off 3 new...
yes, all units, even the unique ones such as the green knight, are available in the multiplayer.
Kroak will be a legendary hero, so he won't be able to lead armies but he can be a part of one. You can control him and use his abilities, which...
There will unfortunately not be any troglodons in this DLC, the only new units that will be coming to the Lizardmen are these: Tehenauin...
There will be an update to the game the same day that the DLC releases that will contain some balance updates, game play and graphical changes and...
The trailer for the next DLC for Total Warhammer is here, The prophet and the Warlock. [MEDIA] On world rat day no less.