I found a height chart that compares the different greater deamons. [IMG] Poor manlet Skarbrand.
So, it's soon going to be that time... [IMG]
I have bought some of the new Troggoths aswell, trying to get into painting once again. I Kinda want to have a granite looking color scheme for my...
News time. The next DLC for Total warhammer 2, believed to contain a lizardmen vs Skaven theme, will come out before Total war three kingdoms, and...
Oh, and also this. [IMG]
Nice catch, GW sometimes uses assets created by those they have sold the rights to make video and board games to. It might be a super subtle hint...
I believe that there are 4 chambers remaining that still haven't opened up yet.
I think i know why he looks like that, he will be sold with a special Diorama base that i will almost bet on has an enemy, maybe a bloodthirster,...
I'm pretty sure they tried to do an angelic pose like archangel Michael. [IMG] Not like he needed more religious symbolism in his design....
The A.I in total war games are really wonky, diplomacy especially. Getting a faction that you are at war with/have been at war with to confederate...
In one of the Malign Portens storys that GW released, Dying Star, features the Seraphon. The story has a skink priest activate a spawning pool, so...
funnily enough the Skaven aren't divided in subfactions on the webshop anymore, they are all under a single line called Skaven now. Another thing...
I think a plastic varghulf is in order. Also maybe a cavalry choice, like ghouls riding frenzied skinless horses/wolfs. Maybe a ranged unit of...
We sure can't. [IMG]
Each one is a sort of mini hero. You take the Goobapalozza, all five of them, and each of the five is and independent unit of its own.
Is it just me or does it look like that the club the Dankhold troggoth is wielding is the head of a dwarfen statue? [IMG]
GW decided to release some actual photos of the new minis, along with some more additions. Danhold troggoth: [IMG] Rockgut: [IMG] Manglers:...
Someone spilled the beans on some of the new releases. Mangler Squigs [IMG] Rockgut trolls [IMG] New troll king [IMG]
Something wicked this way grows... [MEDIA]
The new christmas themed space marine dreadnought has been revealed. [IMG] "Baking is eternal". "Even in death i still bring cheer".