Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2 has released a new trailer that showcases the factions that will be in the games. [MEDIA] They gave Trazyn the...
I probably will get another at some point, but i am at a bit of a crossroad in my life right now so it will probably not be before 5+ months till...
He is part of the great plan now.
I'm not sure if it is because i feel that you should know or because i need a medium to vent my sadness, but as of today, Spoink, my beloved...
Looks like the battletome will bring together some of the more obscure and shallow armies of chaos..
And the next faction for AoS has been leaked. [IMG]
A whole year? that is just absurd. I guess they are trying to lure people that are major fans of DC into a long term commitment. I have never...
Lights! Camera! Dakka! [MEDIA]
A surprise to be sure but a welcome one. [MEDIA]
The resemblance is uncanny. [IMG]
My problem isn't that the Stormcast are too powerful, it's that they're always getting new things an neglecting other faction just so the they can...
The final story in the malign portens story arc has been unveiled. The great black pyramid
Been a while since this thread was updated so, i will be the great threadromancer. Age of Sigmar will be getting it's own proper video game, in...
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] All the named character for the nighthaunt has been reveled. You can look at them on the Warhammer community together with...
The dead are rising by the billions across reality. The Stormcast keep overshadowing all other factions. The ruinous powers are on the back foot....
Adult Swim has made the entire season 5 of samurai jack free on their website.
Lady Olynder, I am so happy she isn't Isabella as quite a few people thought she would be. Great too see that GW is making new and (hopefully)...
Now there is only one named Nighthaunt character that needs to be revealed, it's the guy riding a flaming horse and wielding a scythe.
While people are exited/disappointed about the new Mortarch, let's also appreciate the accompanying artwork. [IMG]
The seraphon has gotten a malign portens story at long last. Dying star