All those armies you just listed can set up in the garrison of they win sides and its on the line and if it's on a corner, they can still deny you...
If you're just going to put out on a corner, they don't even need to garrison it to stop you using it. The sad fact is that it's too much of a...
Haha I tricked you into getting -1 to hit and +1 save isn't really the kind of mind game that pays off. Can you imagine letting nagash get in...
It's after deployment, only us and obr are before choosing sides
The rule doesn't care about the warscroll names, just the model
The problem is the only other terrain this effects is the obr one, which they will probably place in the middle and don't need someone to activate...
240 is right, and they are worth so much more
Can't say I'm a fan, I don't think your going to be able to summon much with 3d3 points a turn. Units of 10 skinks don't cut it any more
Exactly this, hell give it a bonus if it's garrisoned by a priest or wizard, but it should be able to work unmanned, it's too much of a liability...
Warscrolls don't matter, it states you cant use two spells that share a model
Bow, i consistently do more damage work the bow over the solar beam, and in combat, stegs will go through most battle line. Steg alpha is my...
This is not been my experience at all, I'm talking stegs over bastis every day, they are the mvp of the book
Starpriests are pretty worthless unless you are running 40 blocks of skinks, you just aren't going to get the out put with 20s
What's the role of the Starpriest? If you aren't running 40 skink blocks, they are pretty worthless, fit in a starseer of you can instead
Because they put in the work unbuffed too, it's really only worth giving them +1 to hit anyway
Running coalesced anyway for the extra Jaws and defence, I prefer it in every situation other than mass skink FoS
I'm looking at running 12 salamanders, and just looking for confirmation of my tactic is sound. I'm thinking salamanders should be run as...
It's updated now, but stegs aren't showing at battleline in thunder lizard and salamanders are showing at artillery with the wrong points
Azyr is updated, salamanders are still old points with artillery :( looks like stegs aren't counting as battleline in thunder lizard armies either
Bruh I'm checking like every half hour, it's killing me, you'd think they'd release it the same time as the book and that was hours ago now. I...