For me, it's all about salamanders. I'm not talking a subfaction, but running 12 salamanders that can get buffed by skink keyword abilities as...
He's saying the way it's written, it doesn't say the first spell you cast can be swapped, it says before you cast your first spell and so you can...
I really don't think that is the intention, but your reading of the rules is absolutely correct and if it turns out to be the intention, then it...
How does everyone here feel about the realmshaper engine? I am not even buying i , too much of a liability to put on the board. Changes I'd like...
Was a good listen, realised some stuff I didn't see, disagree with a few things, a lot of "this unit is great... When you also have 3cp and 500...
Ugh, you're right, it was in a different spot. I guess no sub faction for me
Can't speak for the other ones, but I've checked and double checked, the thunder lizard one isn't mandatory. Besides, if you aren't taking the...
To save people searching
I imagine page 5 is the missing coalesced sin factions
Ah yep, just checked again, must have missed it first time
How can you tell the difference? In the book, "skink" is bolded, indicating the keyword
That's actually the issue I had, they absolutely can ignore them. They are super slow and while it monsters only count as 1 model on objectives,...
I think bastiladon are fine tbh, I had a hard time doing any real damage in the 2 games I played. The 3 shots from the steg consistently did more...
The thing is, we won't because there's nothing to clarify
I've explained to you multiple times how the mechanics work and why the warscroll doesn't overwrite anything. Do you have any empirical evidence...
No, you're either trolling at this point or can't wrap your head around basic mechanics
If you are any further than a first year, you should drop out and save your money. The faq won't clear up anything as there is nothing to clear up
Yes, they do, but the warscroll isn't over riding anything
It is about the mechanics though. Fits a warscroll over rule a core role? Yes. Ok, but a roll of 1 always fails because a characteristic of 1+ has...
Im not, the faq didn't matter because it doesn't apply in this situation, you may as well be quoting the faq that says the balewind travels with...