If they announce new Night Runners I would not know what to do with myself, of course lovely new models but urrmmmm (Turns and looks at the 60-80...
Glad he has left, can get more fun games without the whine and the stare of disappointment. Back to the campaign talk, problem is I am out of...
Picking up some different airbrush paint brands to test out once I get my airbrush, hard to find good honest reviews. Picking up a Vallejo Air,...
Thank you!
Painting the skin on the Shezmu, might need to mix in a bit more brown as I'm trying to replicate the art onto miniature. Want my claws on the...
Painting the next set of models from the Ankh boardgame Guardians set expansion, still sorting that sand out, not sure whether to go with a paste...
Thank you @Bowser In other news I finally started painting the Ankh board game, well starting the Guardians expansion, two models nearly done...
Decided to share some work because it will be a while till I get a camera sorted but here is a Carnotaurus miniature. Now the bizarre colours is...
Been building some miniatures, waiting on a replacement paint rack so I can arrange my dropper bottles, have this weird mind set that I won't...
Yep, I noticed when I took part a few years back, one entry was a board filled with Epic wargame tanks. Feels like a great way of showing the past...
Was thinking on ordering some Hive Guard/Tyrant Guard but turns out they are not a thing at the moment. I get told to just go get a proxy version...
Received the Mystery box a few days ago, really happy with one model as it's based on one game I play. Also a voucher for next purchase, I do have...
Ordered a mystery box of miniatures, was hoping they would include more of the beasts and such from their collection but got told no, they can't....
Thank you @Warden and @Lizards of Renown Now that I've done it I keep seeing areas I can improve, but that is there for next time. Onto a...
Well it seems I don't update as often now, well then.... But it's a plan to try and update more often, once I get a better camera sorted because...
Thank you @exwhyzero and @Croco Guard Since writing the thread I have been looking more into it, resin does seem the better option. And it is...
Yep, made me wish I also picked them up but only brought enough for one box, well did made enough to go grab the other but the SC felt more worth...
Did a table sale today and I was crazy lucky that a guy across the way was selling some Warhammer, picked up a Slaves to Darkness SC for £15, all...
Well as title says and the idea is on the table. I'm always seeing amazing miniatures but only being able as a STL and many not having that option...
Started on working for my Armies on Parade entry, would be 3rd time entering. Building some models and one day will have to strip the board down...