Welcome mate! enjoy your new lizard life ;)
Lovely work there mate :) I love the sculpt on that Bretonnian dude as well. I miss those guys actually… Once upon a time I had a small army of...
Simple/lazy but really efficient, this is coming along very nicely :) I love the contrast on the horns.
:jimlad: lovely! What's the competition? My pleasure.
Good going. I like your skin tones a lot, there always seems to be some alterations, infections and what not going on. Can't wait to see whats...
Hey! Looking great so far, that colour scheme works just fine :D You might want to add some highlights maybe, but that may be the quality of the...
Ahoy! welcome to lizardland :)
I don't feel like I'll be adding anything new here but well. This is awesome. Mate, you're incredibly good with colours. The skin tones are rich,...
Thanks a lot @Xlanax_lot !! Cant wait to start playing around with different colours like that.. do you mean glazes or really adding those to my...
Well done… @Magic_karl you do know that the 'upload a file' option doesnt require 3d-party hosting, right? And yep, it is a wise choice… we've...
All that Nurgle stuff… this is exciting and very motivating. That big boy is going to kick ass. Go on, brother!!
Hey, Metallic colours on black will tend to give the impression that the armour has dings and isnt really in great condition anymore. Unless you...
Nothing really more interesting to say than what has already been said so… welcome mate! Hope you enjoy hanging out here as much as we do.
Hey guys, I've used green stuff and oyumaru a while ago. In my experience and in a nutshell, I agree with Bracnos.. GS is good for creating moulds...
Cheers @Crowsfoot , I'll do my best and post as I go! This is exciting :) the sculpting job is quite alright on the model, hopefully it'll be good...
Hey fellas!! Little Sunday painting session with good progress. I 'm starting to brighten up and touch down the skin a little, coming along OK but...
@Aginor 'draw the rest of the _ing owl' :D:D:D Brilliant.
Hey! Yep, that is an impressive amount of painting. Good luck :) and do keep posting as you go! Are you going for tabletop standard?
Hey! Not quite sure I know enough to answer you right, but when using varnish (which is not all the time…) I tend to go for matte except when I...
Well, yeah that's true. Didnt think about the tzeentch stuff. Mostly i saw this guy's models and tought it'd be good practice to try and do the...