That AB is brilliant, damn I'm getting the convert bug again
Those tanks are brilliant, are you painting them all rusty?
It helps alot, I though it would be different for every paint you use but I think the key bit is how loaded your brush is and having a damp brush.
Very nice, bet your wife is well chuffed with that. What you doing with the base?
Welcome aboard ;)
Yeah it's a pain atm
Right this is what I need to know, how many coats of paint does it take to do the inside of the cloak and how thin are the layers? I've asked WD,...
I've spent around 2 hrs doing horns and teeth, I need new glasses and struggling to do anything atm as I'm getting headaches trying to focus,...
Welcome aboard :)
I did in deed the hardest bit was getting it too match the body.
Wow, I hope you win something your effort deserves it :)
All in one go here, I never paint in sub assemblies etc
The more you post the higher your position so your profile changes accordingly, it's not a bug.
Very nice, I like the look of that ;)
I don't use water as it tends to separate the paint, I use window cleaner and 2 drops of flow improver.
@Aginor From what your saying only a couple of things I can point too. 1. Pressure is a little high try it at 20psi, lower for detail work...
I have the Iwata Eclipse, once you get used to it it's really easy to clean. To thin the paints what are you using?
@Aginor Stick down what you do with the airbrush
We can solve the problems, I don't want to derail @Joshua Horchler blog. Stick something in your blog and will try and help there. ;)
How come? It's all in the trigger finger and not using too much psi