If it's a friendly game and your friend allows proxy models?, add 5 normal skinks to the Chamos for a unit of 10 Chamos, they will do ok against...
Glad your back and really happy that you have taken the plunge with the airbrush, it speeds the hobby up no end. What airbrush did you get?
Welcome aboard As your army grows and you purchase a Slann you won’t say we are slow ;) Teleportation is the new black
I've gone Orange, nice contrast to the Skinks
But the wording of the Battalion says "1 EotG" so you can only have one in the battalion
@aopps42 As your a new member your account will be blocked from adding links to web pages outside of this forum, I think you need a post count...
If you look at the requirements it states, 1 Engine of the Gods or Troglodon. Engine of the Gods is a leader and is not classed as a Stegadon so...
It’s a draw in my eyes, not bothered for DC or Marvel, not interested in Star trek or the walking dead. I absolutely love Star Wars and Game of...
Looking good, the shields look a little flat maybe it's the camera but the red looks like it needs a lighter highlight.
Any clear resin will work but you may have to mask off the base
As long as my PC runs it :D
Nothing wrong with the classic look, well done so far ;)
I don't but it will look fine no matter what colours you use, heck you could even paint the base orange, red and then drybrush the waves yellow to...
Or Stormcast ;)
That's what Guards should be like.
Believe me you don't want my ugly mug on a video :D
Excellent stuff, that's actually a really good way to get her interested in the hobby. ;)
https://aosshorts.com/adepticon-2019-champs-wrap-up/ [IMG]
Have you painted any yet, where is this paint blog you sort of hinted at last year?
I'm pretty sure there is already something where you can play against your friends in tabletop style, might be a KOW thing.