It was never going to be a video, bloody hell that is too creative for me, but the tutorial has been up for over a week. There is a new sub forum...
Excellent :D
GW would never do that, it would stop sales of models at least that's what I think. Why spend hundreds of pounds on models when you can spend £50...
Your defo getting better but looking at the model, the Skinks need to be a contrasting colour to the Blue shell, if you would have painted them...
I never take any notice of how many posts I've made, I'm amazed it's so many.
Nah I'm just lazy
We know where you are, sneaking...stabbing.....stabbing...yes....yessss Maybe you kill stab the leader then I can become more powerful.....big...
We all know something is wrong and some cunning overlord has hatched his plan, yes.... yes... sneaking...sniffing...stabbing...yes...yes
It does yes, the way you have highlighted and shaded really adds to the model so I thought have a bash.
@Struan Murray Can you go through how you painted the gold on the EOG please, I love the look and want to replicate it :);)
I know that I am an exception here. I always paint my models fully assembled, don't ask me why, I know it's easier to paint in sub assemble but I...
Of course we want battle reports :)
So this month, more Gloomspite gitz
Hello boys and girls and welcome to Let's Get Motivated - April 2019 This thread is too get us motivated each month into finishing projects that...
What is this true? This is a sad day for all.....
It's sad that the CDO site is seeing less traffic these days, I hope that improves and you get new staff that are as equally dedicated as...
I was one of the first (if not the first) in the UK to have 250,000 pvp kills. I finished playing at over 1/2 million kills and it should have...
@Rikard You kept that under your hat, I love the pose, it's like a cat ready to pounce. I might have to get one just to paint it.
Troggoths done, Dankhold done, Trogboss 90% done Not a bad month for me.