About time!
Trogs! [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] As always comments welcome
One posted in my blog, more going up soon
As you can see your idea is spot on, here he is as a Dread ;) [IMG]
Raising awareness of racism is never a bad thing, thankfully we do live in a better socially aware world these days, not always but mostly.
You can always go back and add detail later
Just cut the tufts in half
Welcome aboard ;)
The spider contrasts well against the base, not sure about the grots, well more the base I think they need a coloured flower tuft.
It's unpainted
About twice the size of an Ogre
Just a teaser of the Trogs, base coated and shaded so far. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Bet the guy that shot the arrow had 3 weetabix that morning.
He looks good so far
That’s the best way, I usually have one main colour in my head the rest just comes.
It's rare that you do need to do anything ;)
Contacted them yesterday, been at the sorting office since 19th Feb!! I made a load over the weekend so I've got plenty now, will get them done...
Unpainted models don't count :D
Your welcome;) I use a very limited colour range when I paint, I try to avoid using more than 5 colours so the eye was an obvious choice.