Still. Painting. Spoopy ghosts. o_O
Not gonna lie, 2 of those Battleforce bad boys and an additional Skink box and you're golden!
I'll provide the short answer now that my comrades have provided the long one: Oh yes
Starseer doesn't even have synergy with itself now, it's that bad! :rolleyes:
He clearly meant a Starpriest
If that's what you get from this thread good for you, personnally I like hearing about in-game experiences from a large pool of players, not just...
That's a good point I had not thought of!
That is exactly why I made this thread, so people can exchange opinions on which units and why. Context, usefulness, intent, all of these matter.
My character is Lord Barbissar Tisk, hailing from the eastern region of Skagaskon, beyond the mountain range. From Jokulsa, the capital city of...
That does sound good, let me know if you need any help!
I think the Oldbloood on Carno can be situationally good, especially if there's a monster you want to take care of. A lucky 9'' charge or 7'' with...
ez game ez lyfe :cool:
Past couples games I had my EotG never rolled to summon, but I'd definitely use it for skinks when possible. Next list i'm testing is gonna have 2...
Hello everybody, I'm making this thread so we can share our expericences with the summoning mechanics of Seraphon in AoS 2.0. The second...
Those are looking amazing! Love the details, especially on that banner!
Loving this!
Keeping up the work on the 40 chainrasps!
Against most list you should be fine indeed, but when you will face real dedicated alpha strike lists you won't be able to keep your slann or...
With only 30 skinks, I don't see how you can reliably protect yourself from alpha strike armies, It is just not enough bodies. You get some later...
So, turns out the Vulkites were still available, but they had been primed white and the primer left (sand? particles? I don't know how to describe...