I must say these models are quite good!
I can see where the difference in models would come from factions like White walkers and Free folks, but I fear that any of the other factions...
Then cheer up, giving -1 to hit while having the flexibility to cast it on friendly or enemy unit, is a hell of a good spell for casting value 5 :D
They just might be rolled in with the Moonclan / insect-fungus grots coming soon! :p
Started work on 40 Chainrasps!
Having the Skink priest is redundant since most of he time you're gonna want to be Savage, so you're already rerolling the saves!
Welcome! @Crowsfoot is steering you in the right path! Enjoy the Seraphons!
Sounds profitable enough!
I've always used boltspitters, but I think the argument of taking javelins in 10-man units and leaving the boltspitters for the 40-man unit makes...
Thank you all for your input on the Dispossessed, like I previously said I'd love to build a side warband in a future where they release a...
Thanks! I take it the Dread Saurian must be doing wonders for you too if you include him in both the 1.5k and 2k list? What's your usual strategy...
To each their own, ofc
Could you share your winning list with us? I am really interested in it, given your impressive 15-0 record :D
Just ordered 4 Chaos familiars for my Gaunt Summoner... Guess the Chainrasps will have to wait! :p
Definitely sounds scary! :eek:
A glorious rebirth, this would be ;)
Easiest question ever, buy 2 bastis and profit from both types of spikes! :cool:
Bring 'em on!
Been away from painting for a while, I'm back with bigger projects: NIGHTHAUNTS! For the remainder of September, I will simply aim to paint and...
Nice report, Tzeentch can be hard to play against!