Do you have a link to the list?
Let's just agree to disagree ;)
When I pick a wizard for my army, I pick him because he's part of a plan. He is either there because he already has access to a spell that I want...
Picking spells for your wizards would completely go against what they're trying to do: limit extreme-oriented lists and favour all-around lists.
I've myself been experimenting with a really similar list lately, having good success (altough I do have 120 skinks so I can summon plenty). Carno...
Only 3 Endless spells left to paint: Soulsnare Shackles, Suffocating Gravetide and Malevolent Maelstrom.
On the official FAQ page I guess? I just followed the link the AoS Facebook page provided, let me try to link it here... EDIT: here it is, taken...
GW has released his latest FAQ, and Seraphon took a big hit, as was expected. Basically: -Celestial Deliverance is now casting 8, 9, 10, 10"...
For something to be ''broken'', it should be something that no matter what you throw at them, you have no chance of beating it. What does Lens of...
Can we not call everything that is performing well right now ''broken'', twelve days into AoS 2.0? Seems a bit much
TBH I wouldn't change anything as of yet, this was too much of a beat down to really analyse much, take for exemple the Troglodon. Still don't...
Hey Y'all Took this list to a friendly match yesterday where we were both testing new stuff, ended up winning by the end of Battleround 2. My...
Can't remember the name, but I'm trying out a list this week with a Thunderquake and I gave to my Engine of the Gods the Shyish artefact that...
Kroak can't take command traits as he's a named character!
Hey guys, what do you think of the updated command trait Arcane Might? Used to be re roll 1's to casting and unbinding, now once per each hero...
Can someone point me in the direction to find the clarifications about Kroak's spells? Cant seem to find it :p
Loved that it actually was Gulgaz who broke through Nagashizzar and caused all this mayhem!
No, he was clearly referred to as Vannah, the God of the Forgotten Dead.
Taken from reddit [ATTACH] Masters of Order Slaan now add 6" to spell range when the casting roll is 10+, instead of on doubles Lords of...
Allright, you're giving me hope! :p