Love the New sculpt! Just look at it! [ATTACH] Really happy with this update on both Seraphon and the Elves. I never collected those pointy eared...
two spare Terradons do come in handy when one on the field dies. So you have 3 to summon again instead of waiting for all 3 to die
I love this! Shoudln’t we make a sticky with all the rumour engines and solutions with them? Decifiering the the cosmic engines/ stars like some...
^ this! And some off the warscroll changes might be: Carnosaur -2 rend on jaw Saurus getting 4+ save (2 wounds is too much) Saurus guard getting...
Except when we do it with skinks! Although just reading it again, wary fighters is also just movr 8 and no additional d6. [ATTACH]
Thanks, makes it clear! Have send them an email anyways
My opponent asked it at the FB page. As in the image, their awnser was no. Do you think this isnt an official awnser? And could the rules team say...
Thanks for the awnsers guys! Unfortunatly you cant run out of combat and you cant break you own coherency. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Hi Guys, Won yesterday! But a few questions came up: 1) can you summon from summoned unit? This was for tzeentch. Can you summon a herald en...
Haha cool! Athough most tournament packs I could find dont allow the same alliegiance twice. But goos luck tho!
Much thanks!
Hi, Got a doubles tournament comming up in September. So there is not yet a rulespack. But does anyone have experience with a doubles game? Main...
Im not to worried about the points. In the end I can play the same TQ minus one razordon. And with gauranteed teleport, twice with great...