Sorry Im only half way through, but dont we consider Kharadron Overlords as a winner of de ghb? They got alot of point changes which are just...
After 1 to 3 drops the amount of drops follow a sortof normal distribution. To make it simple, a one drop gives you the highest odds of...
I agree with you. Although Chameleon skinks give some more tacticle options in FoS. You could ambush them on a flank or backfield. And then...
I meant the dread saurians! Would love to own one. Did they get a point drop?
No I get that, but I dont want to bring in 360 points at turn 3. Usually turn 1 or 2, and disappear in turn 3 and comeback in 4. But the wording...
I must agree with Grotpunter, I was a little surprised too. -2 rend is still great. I dont always bring it for high save, but they also give...
This list seems CP thirsty, why the extra CCP instead of a free CP per turn with Skink CT?
haha even beat me to my own message :) Do you have any event coming up soon?
Yes I liked all the Reserved messages too! You’ll probably come up with some good stuff! Like your first draft! Love to see the love for...
I dont have those :(. But I do have 4 Carnosaurs!
A lot of though armies have drops in the range of 7-10. Say OBR, FS, IDK, the list goes on. As seraphon we obv cant compete with the lowdrop...
I recently adjusted my list to have 1 less drop drop. That will give me around 10% more chance to outdrop my opponent. While the total chance to...
Sorry, cant post my list. I have a GT coming up. But my list doesn't matter in this conversation. There are too many toptier high drop lists where...
@LizardWizard How do you stand on your tournament lists with the new point updates?
Deployment can make or break a game. In some instance you do want to outdrop your opponent, like if your playing nagash or a maw crusha to...
I dont fully agree. I wouldnt say it doesnt matter. Being above 5 drops means you wont get to dictate who goes first versus low drop armies. But...
Yeah, if we werent so high on drops already that would be nice. And of course teleport! But on the summoning we have some nice singels :)
Let say you have 3 salamanders and 9 handlers in starborn with 10 bravery getting wounds, and you always remove all handler first before you put...
can anyone tell me, how does kroak get a +3 to unbind?
Thanks! Cant share the list on this forum tho.. some people are on here also:p can share in a DM if you like