the sunfire really got a nice upgrade in my opinion. Now it does straightup mortal wounds instead of having to roll a 3+ 3+ and save. say you’re...
Could you post some pictures?
I’m pretty sure you can only setup in your own deployment zone. Even if RAW would allow it, it wil get faq. Cause that would be very unbalanced. I...
I FREAKING LOVE IT! Not only how it looks, but also the rules.Even this is “all” it does! I even think it should not do more or it would be to...
Pardon me for not understanding. But doesnt it show that spears always outperform clubs in this setup? 4.4 vs 5 5.6 vs 6.7 6.7 vs 8.9 Or is that...
“For example, whether you’re fielding Saurus, Stegadons or anything in between, you’ll get a helpful extra attack with any jaw-based weapons...
most tokens they bring out are 1, 3,5 and 10. With 1 and 3 on each side and 5 and 10 on the other token. Atleast for the tokens I have
Here here!
I feel ya! Might buy two!
Is it really intertwined? Like death has bravery 10 too, but there are exceptions like the Chainrasp. Just wondering if there is or was something...
What is the upside from having a deamon keyword?
In tournaments you often can score an amount of ‘painting’ points with some points to go to wysiwyg
old for sure! If I have money left I might buy 2 of them. Love some scenery to build tables and this can function as both!
I dont know why, but suddenly there are 14 units out of stock in the Netherlands..
Before I start the countdown once more (4th time GW!!), is there any thing else which would be more likely to be announced? Is 40k done etc?
Lets not bash on someones other faction. Especially not only based on a single story only accounting for some of the fyreslayers. Even tho a few...
Here we go again XD: countdown: 6days 22hours...
hopefully yes! countdown: 3,5 hours remaining!
Happy Birthday! @Dr.Doom