Countdown: 1h till Dr Dooms bday! And 20 hours till the announcements!!!!
But is does distract us from the time waiting for tomorrow.... when the pre-order announcement will be so lets start that count down timer to...
But there will be some reveals today at 4pm [ATTACH]
My second favorite army would be Bretonnia. But they aren’t really playable right now. So the 2nd army I play is Nagash and friends. Just really...
Dang it! I’ll let it rest now.. somewhere the next weeks would be fine
Few more minutes for glory or deception!
I’m still hyped as snakes :) Lets stay positive! Dont let Chaos slip in out minds! This is our ultimate challenge!
Countdown: 2 hours remaining...
Feeling the itch again... It will either be today, or it is delayed due to the shipping problems in China. Which will take at least a month to...
@samheim please stop sucking the fun out of this thread...
Countdown: 6 days, 23 hours, 50 minutes... “—__—
Hopefully we know in about 15 minutes!!!
Countdown: 1 hour (maybe 2)
Countdown: 2 more hours... (maybe 3)
same here in the netherlands! I think a vortex opened up, and the oldones are comming down!
Just going to put my starreading here: countdown: 5 hours remaining...
Out of stock in the Netherlands aswel! but also Scarvet on coldone and Ripperactyls/terradons. While the latter were out of stock for a while,...
this is from the high elves right? [ATTACH]
Welcome back! I’ve rebased all my lizardmen for around 20 bucks. I orde it from Aliexpress (China, maybe wait a few months now:p) Not the most...