All done the musician! Two more left and the first squad is all finished. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Working on the next guard, which is nothing new, but I finished his base and just HAD to share: [ATTACH] Extra bit leftover from the slann that...
Thanks! :D And yes, these upgrade bits are super nice!
Lizard number 2 of the saurus guard! [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Here's my entry, just a Saurus Guard banner bearer (which is, in reality, just a Warrior with a custom upgrade kit ;) ) [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
First model done after my big move across the country. Saurus Guard banner bearer using the special conversion kit for the Warriors that Bastion...
Oh, this is PERFECT! I'm just about to paint up some saurus guard. I'll get right on the banner bearer :D
Whoa! That is one enormous suit! :O
Oh, of course! Now is the perfect time as I've got everything in my display case before my move. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
Last one to finish up the trio. I'll be packing up my hobby stuff, so you probably won't hear from me until the new year ;) [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
I'll be using the same species, but different colour schemes for both my ripperdactyls and my terradons! Might be a long while before I get any of...
Next one all finished up! Unfortunately I've packed away my grass tufts and moss, so I'll need to revisit these fellows once I'm done moving....
Thanks everyone! :) Once I'm finished these guys, I'm extremely excited to get to work on some Saurus Guard. I was lucky to get my hands on the...
Wow, the terrawings are unexpectedly very fun to paint! Here's my first one all done: [ATTACH] [ATTACH] I'll be painting all my terrawings with...
Last one finally done! [ATTACH] [ATTACH] I'm going to probably work on either my terrawings or hunters of huanchi, but next month is going to be...
Ooh, that must be Amon Hen! Very cool set piece, I'd love to make some terrain pieces like that someday.
Yet another haitus, but I've finished another kroxigor! Only one more to go... [ATTACH]
Wow, first off I'm really impressed with the attention to detail on stuff like the headers and images for the thread here. Definitely very...
Been a little while, but here's my next finished kroxigor: [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
I've considered printing some minis for tabletop use, but the resin for the minis I've done for my D&D table has turned out to be extremely...