For those interested, Goonhammer posted a short overview of the Seraphon index today. The one thing that stood out to me was the Starseer, who now...
Looks like we're getting our index on July 9th! From what I've heard though, some content creators have been leaking some faction warscrolls, so...
Completely off topic, but with the rework to priests, I kinda wish the Starpriest was, well, an actual priest again. Oh well. More on topic, I...
Looks like I was yet again mistaken. The new mystic shield/resurrection for wizards and priests shown as examples in the book are not universal. I...
For those interested, I think the Honest Wargamer is one of the first to get their hands on the full rules and explain it in detail. clicky <--...
The way I see it, if manifestations work the way Putzfrau and I believe they do, you'll be shooting yourself in the foot for not taking freebies...
Ooh wow I must have missed that. That'll be a huge change for sure without Mystic Shield. Another thing I'm realizing is that I'll need to get my...
Joining the discussion here on how Seraphon look and feel, I will preface by saying I've played precious few games of AoS, with 3 being my first...
As another alternative to stompy brutes than monster mash dinos, I am actually pretty shocked by how simple and boring the Ironjawz battle traits...
I have to disagree that there's just as much mortal damage bloat as there was previously. A perfect example is the loss of the bites from our...
My thoughts: Battle Traits First off, GW revealed that everything across the board is going to be weaker to one degree or another. So I'm really...
Thank you! The blades are meant to be a layman's obsidian, as I'm not particularly skilled at stuff like NMM.
All finished up right before I go for a week trip! [ATTACH]
Very clean highlights and skin blending. Fantastic!
Finally got around to taking some good quality photos of my finished Astrolith Bearer. As with many others, the rod snapped in the middle above...
Good luck everyone!! It didn't look like there would be that many entries until the last week. We have quite the number again!
Last minute entry! Behold, Acalan the Lone Maw [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] A mighty warrior of the Mazatec Tribes, Acalan once roamed the...
Thanks! I'm personally of the opposite opinion, I usually find models to be quite bland if they have a bare or plainly painted base. There are...
Welp I've been gone for about a month, but during that time I painted up another warrior and finished the base on the next one: [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
I went to my LGS last week for a drop-in 1000 point game, but as it turns out there aren't a whole lot of AoS players in my city :/ so nobody was...