All done! 4 down, 8 to go... [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Here's my first trio of aggradons! [ATTACH]
Finished up the lizard and stuck him to the base. I decided to do a bit of a more dynamic pose, so he's on two different "levels" of corkboard...
Since we don't have a thread for the Aggradon Lancers, I'll post this finished trio here: HERE IT IS, in the dedicated Thread
Just a simple basecoat with the primary colours blocked out on my next aggradon. Nothing fancy yet. I don't know whether I'm looking forward or...
The old vs the new, perhaps :p good competition indeed for both!
I really like the look of those alternative Seraphon/Lizardmen minis there. Did you 3d print them yourself or have them shipped to you? Excellent...
Thanks a bunch! The orange is GW's Fire Dragon Bright. I made the unfortunate mistake of priming the model black, so I needed to do 5-8 coats of...
Got my next batch of aggradons on the go, starting with a nice base that I had the pleasure of 3d printing a tree stump for: [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
Here's my entry, I painted these up just this fall and I just needed to take some nicer photos with them. The green iguana raptors: [ATTACH]...
Finally all finished. A huge milestone and an incredible centerpiece for my army so far! [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] As I said earlier, the trog...
Glued the trog to the base before finishing the edge highlights as I don't want to be handling the mini and accidentally wiping off the paint on...
Yes it is! An easy pick seeing as they're fairly colourful and one of the few (or only) venomous lizards out there.
First few basecoats on the trog. Orange is definitely rather tough to paint on nice and clean! [ATTACH]
Starting a large project and getting my Oracle on Troglodon underway. I've got it assembled and primed, but first was to finish the base which was...
Whew, finally all done my first three aggradons. This took quite a while, though I suppose I did take several breaks between painting sessions...
Third aggradon! [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Thank you! I've improved immensely from when I first started painting up 40k minis over 10 years ago. I have Vince Venturella to thank, whose...
Finished the base! [ATTACH]
Yep I used one of them on my Alpha! This is the first time I've made a base with two though, plus I molded a bit of a nest for this base.