Oh I agree, the old skink models are not my favourite, save for the Oracle on the Troglodon. I really wish that the Kroxigors were just a little...
With my return to the hobby, I've played several games on Tabletop Simulator to figure out what army and what list I wanted, especially before...
Ahh I'll probably make a new thread for that then, I wouldn't want to hijack OP's thread for my own list.
This is actually very similar to the list I'm currently building. I've got the same 2 blocks of 6 aggradons — every single game I've played those...
Here's the musician! Getting close to finishing, only 4 left. Although with my schedule for the next few weeks it'll be tough getting them done by...
For the jade parts that I use for my standards and shield inlays, I use a basecoat of 1:1 Dark Angels Green and Abaddon Black, then random lines...
Thank you! And I actually don't get hand cramps, but my back isn't in great shape after hunching over for extended periods. By the stone...
Thanks! They weren't super difficult to do actually. I used a dark navy blue base and then painted some star shapes with two increasingly lighter...
Finally, with this last fella, the squad is now half done! [ATTACH] [ATTACH] I'm really quite pleased with how the pool of water turned out,...
All done the next warrior! As promised, here's a short tutorial on how I painted the angry lizard. [ATTACH] Here's the base all glued together...
I'm hoping to finish the rest of my Saurus Warriors. I've currently got 3 and a half finished, so let's see if I can get the other 6 done by the...
And here is my standard bearer! I really enjoyed the basing on this one and painting up the standard itself. I think I'll take some in-progress...
Thank you! My design idea was to make everything "magic" made out of jade. I felt the shields would be too bland just being gold, and the fact...
Warrior number 2! Definitely a slow process, but I'm really enjoying all the little details. My favourite part is definitely designing the bases...
Thanks for the compliments everyone! I also bought a box of warriors and finished the first of them. I'm continuing the colour scheme and...
Wow, well I'm back once again....almost 9 years after I first forayed into some lizards. The release of the new minis inspired me, and my painting...
Continuing to walk and speak with Defleur, the two men approached the other dignitaries and the count dropped his tone as they neared them. He...
Yes it is indeed Soren!
While he had a moment of silence to himself, Gheleon spent it observing the castle of Ravenscroft towering above the dignitaries. It was immense;...
@Xasto edited with the changes and clarifications!