Thanks for the pics. Sounds like the base would need to be around 12" x 7" (keeping other GW dimensions of about .6 ratio) or 305mm x 185mm....
well then what size base have you used? Can I see pics?
I don't have a dread saurian yet (and thus I do not yet know the dimensions), but yes that's right! I totally forgot about that. I'm glad you exist!
Since everyone around me uses base to base measuring, I'd need a base to fit this guy where he doesn't hang off the front by 5 inches (so that you...
If you want it to be competitive, it seems to me that you're putting way too much effort and points into Slann spell range and protection when all...
Where you getting a quicksilver potion and a phoenix stone? :pompus: If you take vast intellect, does that mean you are pledging your allegiance...
OH MY GOD DREAD SAURIAN with SERPENT STAFF and MYSTIC SHIELD unstoppable!! d6x 2 damage and 3,3 with rend -3...those suckers are going through for...
not profiled, far more survivable, you already have boatloads of melee and thus the more attacks in RANGE is what i'd be looking for
I feel like bastilidon would be better in this list than the stegadon
My kroak
Lord kroak
The fire lance starhost has been found (by me) to be wanting at 5x3 knights. That’s likely to be only 15 1/6 chances to deal an extra mortal wound...
I’ve been busy beating everyone down in age of sigmar the last little bit and haven’t spent much time painting. I have, however, acquired a ton of...
Just added constellations as I am about to play a Slann. Hunters steed, sages staff, the great drake
I ordered cardboard circle things and then just drew icons on them to represent things that are commonly used in my games so far. From left to...
Think he will bring Stardrake after all. What do you think, then, about THIS list instead? I removed the starhost for this. Lord Kroak 450...
Oh, so he cannot be the general? Or can command traits go on non-generals?
Thanks for the advice. All my skinks are already in the list (besides 8 models) but I have the following left over out of the list: old blood...
Hmm the Slann improves the Thunderquake with the D3 heals as well as providing the constellation, curse of fates, and summon starlight (I guess...
The skaven bashing scar vet on cold one!