I guess that's true; I was worried that if I teleport to them then whatever ported in just gets shredded by the archers. But what I failed to...
This week we battle at 2,000 points because I finally have enough. My opponent decided that his army list was the problem last week, and thus he...
I have trouble figuring out a way to get to the stormcast archers in the back. I was given good advice: that I should use a shadowstrike to get...
Hm you'd miss out on that 5ths attacks but whatever you charged would have a chance to get you before your next chance at reforming with the...
Forgive my newness, but can you charge if one is still in combat?? I thought you could only pile in
Ah thanks for the advice! I don't have rippers or terradons yet (I just have what's listed above) but those sound helpful! I've had a heck of a...
He didn't use the prime. He used a bunch of Dracoliths (if that's the correct word) which were like cat/dragon things that were pretty strong but...
The knight unit [ATTACH]
Help with 2,000 units vs stormcast tomorrow! This is the guy everyone loves to beat at my local store. He has typical units with a ten archer part...
It seems to me like (4+) with 2 wounds (3/6 * 3/6 = 1/4) is a 1/4 chance of dying, and a 2+ with one wound is a 1/6 chance. I can't stand models...
I've been collecting/playing/building an army for about a month now so it's still growing big time. Even though I've only gotten a few things...
I think I'm going to start running the same list except 2x10 knights and one of the scar vets on carnosaur instead of on cold one
Ok thanks. If the old-blood on carnosaur's command ability (it says ability on the warscroll) doesn't work on mounts then that's really the rule...
I played my first real match (I've played twice before but against the shop owner and his friend who I could tell were letting me win to help...
The razordons are always sold out so I haven't had a chance to use them :(
I use cohorts of 40 skinks and they are my MVPs! Having over 30 reduces your hit down to 3+ (over 20 and its 4+). The wounds still suck, but...
Any idea where in the rules (is it general's handbook?) I can find this? This debate is of utmost importance to my games against my most frequent...
Saurus old-blood on carnosaur can buff (each within 20") one of a SAURUS HERO'S WEAPON. I've read online that people buff the carnosaur's massive...
Was looking through this for tactics but some seems outdated (though I am very new- only 2 games in with small armies). CAN you make unit hordes...
I'm interested in 7 skink size trays (2x number 2, 5x number 3) and 7 saurus warrior size trays (2x number 5, and 5x number 6). I think I want...