[ATTACH] any wineos out there?
That is hilarious!!!!
Welcome!!! I see that the old bloods have already answered your questions, and so will not bother to chip in on that. But seriously, welcome!!
I think that there might be more then 75 points in that army!:cool:
Ah... Don't mess with perfection!;)
[ATTACH] I am sure @NIGHTBRINGER can relate!:p:cool::D;)
That or a cult just had a meeting there!
I was joking too bro. :) Or was I???????????
Ahem. This thread is waaaaaaayyyyyyy:stop: off topic. Sooo.... AoS lore sucks. (Surely 90% of you agree?!)...
Dem it Jeezes, I specifically said NOT to get the Salmon flavor. Why do I even keep you on staff??!? I guess I am too loving and caring for my own...
@Killer Angel [ATTACH]
You DARE mock him!?!?! [ATTACH] Make peace with your God, for his legions are vast, their armor is thick, and their catanas are sharp (did you...
Welcome to forum! Glad to have another member here! Also, If you make it right, you will get these miniatures from the starter kit (you will...