An... Odd quote... "If you can't beat on your enemies, beat off your enemies." ~honestly, probably Obama:p
They don't call me the "HeirofCarnage" for nothing! #DESTROYISIS
Are you shitting me? I will be BY FAR the least armed person trying to cross.:p
[ATTACH] @NIGHTBRINGER and all other married men.
Also, can I bring my 10 Ar15s, and my t-34? How would you feel if I brought all of my explosive devices? FYI, I don't have anything more...
You don't need a second unit (the anvil) to pin down the enemy, but you will be able to pull out your cav faster, and you will take less damage....
I would love to, but only if I can ride a GIANT Canadian Goose up there, and only if every other word coming from your mouth is "eeeehhhh???"...
You KNOW that was funny!!!!:joyful::angelic::happy:
Tabular? My best friend committed suicide via clorine. And it was in "tabular format" :argh: How could you be sooooo insensitive?!?!;) PS my...
Your pimp??????:p
I thought you were the blonde on the right!?:p
That incident actually did scar me. I was 11 at the time. Was NOT ready to see that shit. I also had rabbits for a while. I was... Changed by...
"Weak men and women will fight, and hate each other for the rest of there lives. Strong men will fight, and the become good friends." ~A wise...
I don't like tables. I found my father drunk at the kitchen table when I was 7. It scarred me. How insensitive of you to even mention tables!...
I always thought that my heroes could use their command abilities every turn. Is this the case? Or have I just been misreading the rules all...
I know my old cat joined the Sith. She sacrificed all of her children to the dark side. Or maybe to Satan? (And @Aginor wonders why I don't like...
I want to thank you for pointing out a logical fallacy on my part. It was wrong of me to do "unto you" what I myself would rather not have "done...
So... Khorne is the perfect army for him?
1. You saying that WFB is "the best" is completely subjective. That is your opinion! It is ok to have an opinion contrary to mine, but please do...