Thats false advertising human bodies have gluten in them...THEY HAVE ALIEN DANCERS?!?! how to i explain this
They shpuld do that then release the krox as the aligators models in the game. Hell when i see how massove mundi is i wpuld be willing to pay...
So my son got this toy in his happy meal and i could only think of @Bowser ..... [ATTACH] You think he'd like it
that my dude is entirely up to the painter for 40 it took me a week i normally have 1 hour or more a day to hobby so...but from what i have herd...
I know you might no longer be on the boards but if you ever check back this is some awesome work dude
lol not if its been sssooommmeee time since or alcohol is involved
[ATTACH] Lol no memes get repeated all the time
Well trying to add scales to the legs to get this guy done with im not 100% happy with them but its the best i could do...[ATTACH] C/c welcomed...
Is that how you unlock the new iphone