I will update the first post in the next week due to the massive changes od the arrival times. Currently i am working on my list. Here are two...
I am going to slowly expand my ogors to 2000 Points. While the Necrons and the indomitus box are using my hobby budget i have to work with what i...
Got distracted by the mawpot. So many details on a scenery piece. :rolleyes: [ATTACH]
All the new toys on the table. :happy: [ATTACH]
Thank you! :-) The Board is finished and the ordered gaming mats arrived. I am not absolutely happy with them beeing a little glossy. :-/ We will...
While i am bored waiting for the metal parts of the new table i build a matching dice tray to the objectivemarkers and the game tracking board....
2 Basecoats and 2 coats of brown done. I can't wait to get a game of gardenhammer in. :) [ATTACH]
Yes! And knights can reach objectives way faster. (You can go even more top heavy if you want and put the second Salamander also into the spearhead.)
You could choose kroak as general and would still dominante the magic phase. In that case you would usualle get enough ccp to summon 10 Knights...
Azyr is wrong again. Dreamkeeper is right. :) Warscroll builder has it correct.
You are right, but you will more likely survive the soulscreem bridge irondrakes combo turn 2 and get extra command points. ;)
I like the list! For the new (GHB2020) Battleplans i would drop 10 Skinks and get Kroak (if his points stay the same). You can go Spearhead heavy...
I would either consider starborne or some fast moving units for the spearhead. You have to reach at least one objective turn 1 with your spearhead...
Started building a 3 part portable gaming table. (Will be used for gardenhammer.) :confused: 2 Parts will be a 4x4 meeting Engagement table with...
It is done. I am so happy i can field them now. :jimlad: [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Only the magnetic parts left. I just hope to finish them soon. :confused: [ATTACH]
Hand of glory will affect parting shot too. That's why i am not sure. Melee skinks will just be a last option. Just remembered: i can use Hand of...
And if i dump 560 or 600 Points into Kroak, if he dies i have lost anyway. I hope he survives the 20 irondrakes / 6+1 flamers for enough turns to...