Honestly, I think The Thick of It could be crossed with just about anything and still be hilarious, but part of me in particular really wants to...
Awesome looking army!
Welcome aboard!
Probably not for the easily offended but: https://www.thedailymash.co.uk/news/society/man-still-thinks-woke-is-an-insult-20200127192868
Just out of curiosity, will anyone be getting the Limited Edition version of the Battletome when it does come out?
Nice work!
Any suggestions as to what this is about? [ATTACH] Because this screams “Ogor” to me, and yet the Ogor release has already been and gone....
This feels somewhat relevant:...
As nice as it would be, GW plan their releases far, far too early on for that to really make a difference. You only have to look at White Dwarf...
Welcome aboard! :)
Awesome models - love the Troglodon!
(Belatedly) Welcome aboard! :D