Don’t worry, I can do much scarier than that! Do you want to know how I found out I had blood cancer? A couple of nosebleeds and a weird rash on...
Welcome aboard! :)
Welcome aboard!
There is definitely some awesome looking staff on this thread - I can’t wait to see more!
Indeed! I am definitely liking the current trend for this thread!
I’m pretty sure Maul thoroughly thrashed Grievous when they fought in Darth Maul - Son of Dathomir. As for the question, I don’t really see how...
I don’t know about JJ Abrams - I was under the impression he’s made several ‘controversial’ films on top of the Star Wars stuff - but I’m pretty...
Looking really good!
Looking really cool! Love your colours!
I’ve only ever been to hospital in the UK so I can’t comment on how it compares to others (although I have spent quite a long time in them and am...
While I enjoyed both, I actually preferred TLJ to TROS. However, if you did dislike TROS, based on the aspects I can see some people disliking, I...
Funnily enough they do actually make the effort in Star Wars the Clone Wars and the other associates media of ensuring Anakin and General Grievous...
What film are you talking about? Because I don’t remember a sandwich featuring at all in Captain Marvel, and if it’s in Endgame, there were loads...
To be honest, this doesn’t sound like a major thing - seems like more of a “graphics patch” then anything that actually intrinsically changes the...
Well I have managed to see Rise of Skywalker after all, and I have to say I rather enjoyed it. I wouldn’t say it was my favourite Star Wars movie,...
I think you’re almost there. Egalitarianism is good. I think feminism should and for the most part still is egalitarian, despite what certain...
I think you probably have a point there with the definition of feminism, or at least society’s perspective on it. Try as people like me might, the...
I would very much like to see it and am really looking forward to it, but the way things are going means it’ll be unlikely I’ll be able to see it...
[ATTACH] Okay, so there is some news which could be really good for us or really bad! GW have just released their new winter update for AoS here...